Gleim Aviation is proud to partner with Flight Simulation Association (FSA), an independent, community-driven organization designed to help pilots and enthusiasts get started in flight simulation. FSA is managed by the organizers of the annual FlightSimExpo aviation conference and supported by top flight simulation developers. FSA Members can save $50+ with a free upgrade for our Private Pilot Kit, alongside hundreds of dollars in savings on flight simulation hardware and software.
Flight Simulation Association offers free guides and resources to help pilots get started in flight simulation, and to learn how to use it as an effective training aid. FSA has also partnered with top organizations in simulation and real flight training—like Gleim Aviation—to offer product discounts, live webinars, and one-on-one coaching to help you get started. You can even search the member database to find other “simmers” who are in your neighborhood!
Anyone can become an FSA member for free at Members have the option to Upgrade to Captain, unlocking all discounts and additional benefits, for just $3 per month.
Are you part of a flying club, EAA chapter, or other group of pilots? FSA would be happy to join your monthly meeting to provide a free, personalized overview of the flight simulation landscape and answer questions for your group. Please contact Evan at 833-437-3976 or
The Benefits of Home Flight Simulation
Home flight simulation is widely considered an essential training aid for pilots. Whether for proficiency, familiarization with advanced avionics, or even to add time to the logbook, home flight simulators have come a long way in the past several years. Today, inexpensive solutions exist to replicate the GTN series, G1000, avionics stacks, and much more. Flight control hardware has become much more affordable, and free and paid options for live, human ATC integration into the simulator are more popular than ever.
A simulator will never replace the “hands and feet feel of the aircraft” (although options do exist to use your aircraft as the simulator). But the value of pre-flying lesson plans, learning how to program a GPS or complicated avionics, and becoming more proficient with ATC communications can’t be overstated. These are the types of skills a flight simulator can help with…and it’s all available at a fraction of the cost of operating an aircraft.
Getting started in flight simulation is simple: it only takes a $30 joystick, a $60 simulator, and a microphone for you to start flying with human ATC using the computer you already have.
Simulator Options
The three main desktop flight simulators available today are:
- X-Plane (Version 11+)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
- Prepar3D (Version 5.2)
Each is available for $60 as a digital download. For most real-world pilots, X-Plane offers the best balance of flight dynamics, aircraft functionality, and visuals.
How FSA Can Help
FSA was launched by the organizers of FlightSimExpo, North America’s largest enthusiast flight simulation conference. The association’s aim is to make it easy for anyone to set up and enjoy a home flight simulator. The association offers:

Individual Coaching
To help get you started, an FSA Captain membership ($3 per month) includes a 30-minute overview session with an experienced simmer. In the session, you can discuss what’s possible, popular simulation hardware offerings, and more. If you’re looking for more personalized help, FSA can help connect you with experienced flight simulation consultants who can help you achieve your best setup.
Webinars & Livestreams
Each month, FSA hosts free webinars featuring popular flight simulation developers, members of the community, and real-world pilots.
Simmer Search – Member Database
FSA Captains can participate in our growing database of home simmers, which offers the ability to find and network with other FSA members in your local area.
FSA has partnered with the leading manufacturers of flight simulation hardware and software to offer great discounts for members.
If you’d like to talk more about home flight simulation, learn how to connect your simulator to networks like PilotEdge or VATSIM, and find the best “add-ons” to extend your experience, join Flight Simulation Association at