Two very important, yet often overlooked, aspects of flight training are the pre- and post-flight briefings. These briefings are frequently rushed (or skipped entirely!) because many do not realize the immense benefit they can offer. Between their anxiousness to get in the air and the sheer amount of they have yet to learn, new students...Read More
Denver, CO – Nearly 400 educators came together in the Mile High City this week for the fifth annual Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)High School Aviation STEM Symposium. Teachers were able to learn about new resources for the classroom while trying hands-on aviation activities and flying simulators. Gleim Aviation was excited to join the event...Read More
While the world takes notice of the massive shortages forecast for pilots, a similar story is the pending shortage of support personnel. However, we remain optimistic because the good news is that this is an amazing opportunity. While a budding workforce laments the lack of good-paying entry-level jobs, the aviation industry is screaming, “Look over...Read More
Gleim Aviation customers submit thousands of great questions through our online courses every year. This article highlights a common area of interest (or confusion) for many pilots: whether or not an airplane is in equilibrium during a constant-airspeed climb and descent. Newton’s First Law of Motion states that every object in a state of uniform...Read More
This week we are highlighting one of our very own Gleim employees, Sarah Sheppard, the Sales Department and Campus Rep Coordinator for our accounting team. In her average workday, she seldom works on aviation projects despite being in the same office! During a team training exercise, Sarah had an opportunity to fly the Gleim Virtual...Read More
Flight students and instructors have a unique professional relationship. Because flight instructors and students spend the majority of their time 1-on-1, they need to cultivate courteous, professional relationships that will help students reach their learning goals. Anything less than professional conduct can impede learning and lead to an unproductive working relationship. Though individual students and...Read More
Memphis, TN – The University Aviation Association’s 72nd Annual Conference and Expo returned to the organization’s hometown to bring nearly 300 collegiate aviation professionals from across the country together. Event attendees learned about promoting and growing their aviation programs during the 3-day event, among a full agenda of seminars, networking events, and committee meetings. Nearly...Read More
The 2019 Women in Aviation International (WAI) event, Girls in Aviation Day, is being celebrated around the world for the fifth year! Participation in Girls in Aviation Day has spread far beyond the original vision of the event as airports, FBOs, museums, universities and corporate members have joined WAI Chapters globally to help spread the word...Read More
Words have their dictionary meanings, but many words take on new meanings in different contexts. A good example is the FAA’s interpretation of the word “current” with respect to maintenance. As mechanics, we are required to have “current” maintenance manuals and inspection programs to perform work on a client’s aircraft. It’s reasonable to think this...Read More
Growing up a mile from New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport can certainly spark an interest in aviation in the mind of a young boy. Not only is Teterboro very busy, but the VOR on the field marks the beginning of the approaches for Newark Airport’s 22L and 22R. For 40 years, my family has watched all...Read More