Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346
Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346


We are excited to announce the availability of the 2020 edition of the Gleim Aviation Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) training materials! The FAA released a new testing supplement this year, a welcome change from the previous supplement, which required looking for figures in three rounds of revision books. Dozens of outdated figures have finally been...
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Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability ( LAANC) is a collaboration between the FAA and private industry to streamline the approval process for operating drones in controlled airspace. LAANC directly supports UAS integration into the airspace, providing remote pilots access to controlled airspace at or below 400 ft. and gives Air Traffic Control visibility of...
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Flight simulators are a wonderful tool that instructors can utilize to maximize student learning. However, many flight instructors are not familiar with how to set up and use a simulator to conduct meaningful training. If you have not used simulators previously, they can seem intimidating, but once you learn the basic functions of your device,...
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After several years of planning and coordinating between the FAA, flight plan vendors, and upgrading ATC equipment, the mandatory use of ICAO flights plans takes effect on August, 27th 2019. This means the FAA will require all flight plans, domestic or international, to be filed with the ICAO format. For the past few years, the...
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DAYTONA BEACH, FL — There are more than 85 programs teaching aviation in Florida high schools affiliated with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU). For the past four years, ERAU has invited the teachers from these schools to its Daytona Beach campus for an annual Gaetz Aerospace Institute (GAI) Educator’s Conference. This year, Gleim Aviation joined the event...
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As pilots, we often experience an approach to landing with winds that are not directly aligned with the runway. Any time a crosswind condition exists, control inputs are required to ensure that the airplane’s flight path remains in line with the extended runway centerline. Without these control inputs and corrections, the airplane will be side-loaded...
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Gleim Aviation is excited to announce the release of our 2020 aviation knowledge test prep materials for sport, private, instrument, commercial, and flight/ground instructors, plus the latest FAR/AIM. The changes and updates to our products reflect the most recent FAA testing updates. It is highly recommended that aviation enthusiasts studying to become pilots utilize the...
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This year marks the 50th consecutive year that the EAA AirVenture fly-in has been held in Oshkosh, WI. The annual event, which actually began in 1953, was located at several other venues in Wisconsin and Illinois during its early years. AirVenture has grown to be the largest annual fly-in in the world, welcoming more than...
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Hurricane season is here. It is the time of year when named tropical storms and hurricanes form in the Atlantic ocean. Each year the season lasts from June 1st through November 30th and typically peaks around August and September. The last two years had exceptionally devastating storms and the damage inflicted was widespread. Last year...
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Are you a flight school operator or aviation instructor preparing multiple students for FAA knowledge tests? Gleim Aviation has launched a new solution to help ease your test prep woes and manage student testing and evaluation: AvLearn. AvLearn is the premier testing management solution for universities, flight schools, training centers, and high schools. With AvLearn,...
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