Here are some of the key privileges and benefits of having an instrument rating:
Fly in adverse weather conditions: Pilots with an instrument rating can fly in low visibility, clouds, and other challenging weather conditions that would not be allowed under VFR. This enables them to fly safely when the weather is less favorable.
Navigate using instruments: With an instrument rating, pilots are trained to navigate solely using aircraft instruments (e.g., altimeter, airspeed indicator, attitude indicator, navigation radios, and GPS), rather than relying on external visual references. This is crucial for flying in low visibility or at night.
Access controlled airspace: Many busy and congested airspace areas are designated as “controlled airspace,” where aircraft must follow specific procedures and clearance from air traffic control. An instrument rating is required to fly in some of these areas.
Flight planning flexibility: Instrument-rated pilots can file and fly under IFR flight plans, which offer more flexibility in route selection and can often lead to more direct flight paths.
Greater flight opportunities: Many professional pilot positions require an instrument rating as a minimum qualification. Having this rating can open up job opportunities for pilots in areas like charter, corporate, and airline operations.
Increased safety and redundancy: Instrument training enhances a pilot’s ability to handle emergencies and unexpected situations by relying on instruments rather than visual cues. This added level of skill can improve overall flight safety.
Cross-country flights: An instrument rating allows pilots to undertake cross-country flights that might involve traversing areas with varying weather conditions and limited ground-based navigation aids.
Flight into known icing conditions: While not all aircraft are certified for flight in icing conditions, an instrument rating allows pilots to fly in these conditions if the aircraft is equipped and certified for it.