Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346
Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346


A guest blog by Drew Glastetter of Alaska Airlines When I was a child, I was fortunate enough to be raised by a family of travelers. My family enjoyed seeing new places and finding adventures in different parts of the world. During one of our vacations when I was 12, I was invited into the...
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Gleim Aviation is proud to announce the release of the sixth editions of the Commercial Pilot Syllabus and the Commercial Pilot Flight Maneuvers and Practical Test Prep books. Additionally, an updated Commercial Pilot Training Record and combined ACS & Oral Exam Guide are now available. Commercial Pilot Syllabus The Gleim Commercial Pilot Syllabus is a...
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If you are a sport or private pilot and want to share your passion for flying as an instructor, consider becoming a Sport Pilot Certificated Flight Instructor. A Sport CFI, or simply CFI-S certificate, can be obtained in about half the time required to become a traditional CFI. You can become a CFI-S without becoming...
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The small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rule, also known as Part 107, was designed to minimize risks and establish the certification requirements for the thousands of pilots expected to fill the role of Remote Pilot in Command (PIC). This rule streamlined the process of operating drones for routine commercial flights. More than 69,000 remote pilot...
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Meet Mike Carzoli, the owner of Blue Skies Flying Services and Pilot Shop. In 2017, Blue Skies received the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) award for Best Flight School in the Midwest region. Additionally, Jim Fellers of Blue Skies was awarded Best Flight Instructor in the Midwest region. We spoke with Mike to find...
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In 2016, the much anticipated Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rule went into effect and streamlined the requirements to operate sUAS (or drones) commercially. In the first 16 months, more than 69,000 remote pilot certificates have already been issued. However, FAA certification is just the first step to earning a living as a drone pilot.
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“We live once and if we do it well, once is enough.” – Alla Berezovaya Learning to fly an airplane can be more than a means to an end – a shiny new job. Flying is an incredibly rewarding hobby, and taking to the skies provides a joy that is unrivaled. The history of aviation...
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What does it take to get hired as a professional pilot? You spend hundreds of hours honing your skills. You acquire the certificates and qualifications. You prepare by studying aerodynamics, aircraft systems, meteorology, navigation, regulations, physiology, and other technical minutiae. By all means, you thought you were prepared, but you didn’t get the job. While...
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Most people involved in the aviation industry are truly passionate about the work they do. In no pilot is this passion more evident than in Dr. Barry Hyde. Hyde has loved aviation for as long as he can remember. As a young boy, his older cousin, a pilot, would take him up for leisure rides....
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For people learning to fly a plane, visits to the local airport spending many hours under the instruction of a Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) is standard practice. It’s a successful formula, but there’s room for improvement. The cockpit is not always the most efficient classroom, so students who are well-prepared before climbing into it will...
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