Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346
Aviation Training Consultants: 800-874-5346

X-Plane Flight Training Course – Private Pilot Home Edition


Build remarkable proficiency and confidence at home. The Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course lets you practice every Private Pilot flight lesson before experiencing it in a real airplane.

Does not include X-Plane, which is included in the bundled set.

*Requires full installation of X-Plane 11 or 12

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System Requirements


The Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course lets you practice every flight lesson in the Gleim Private Pilot Syllabus book before experiencing it in a real airplane. With pre-flight briefing videos for every lesson, constant corrective feedback, and a detailed post-flight evaluation tool, you receive personalized flight instruction for a fraction of the cost. This course relies on our proven Knowledge Transfer System to prepare you to become a certificated pilot in less time, for less money, and with less frustration than any other system available!


  • Practice all 27 Private Pilot lessons from the Gleim Private Pilot Syllabus book
  • Experience each flight before flying
  • Build proficiency and confidence
  • Develop safety mindset and practical decision-making skills
  • Learn more quickly and economically

Multi-User License Available

The Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course is now available with a multi-user license! If you operate a flight school, academic/collegiate, or STEM aviation program, check our options for use with multiple students and instructors.

Release Notes

These release notes are a log of the recent notable changes made to the X-Plane Flight Training Course (XFTC) project, including records of changes such as bug fixes, new features, etc.


  • Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course
  • Course tutorial videos
  • X-Plane tutorial videos
  • Pre-flight training videos for each lesson
  • Flight profiler and lesson evaluation tool
  • Real-time flight instruction and feedback
  • Fully interactive, true-flying, digital Cessna 172 aircraft model
  • Flight lessons specifically tailored to real-world flight training


We highly recommend the use of a control yoke and rudder pedals. While X-Plane does allow you to fly using the mouse, it’s much more beneficial to your training to use flight controls that are similar to what you will be using in the actual airplane.

Shop for flight simulator hardware and peripherals.

How does it work?

We started with X-Plane (sold separately here), the world’s most comprehensive, powerful, and realistic flight simulator for personal computers.

We then developed our own proprietary software, which integrates with X-Plane. This software is made up of two main components:

  1. Course Launcher – This is your entry point into the X-Plane Flight Training Course. In addition to being used for loading flight lessons and viewing flight history, the Launcher gives you access to several hours of detailed training videos, produced exclusively for the X-Plane Flight Training Course.
  2. Flight Profiler – This runs inside X-Plane at all times. To put it simply, the Profiler is like a digital flight instructor. It tells you what to do, monitors you as you are doing it, and gives you feedback on every move you make.

All 27 lessons from our Private Pilot Syllabus book have been programmed into the course and can be flown as many times as you want. For best results, we recommend you fly through the entire course at least once before beginning your actual flight training. Then, when you finally get into the real airplane, there will be no surprises and your training will feel like a formality.

An airplane is not always the most efficient classroom – it can be noisy, complicated, overwhelming, and expensive. Modern technology allows for better instructional techniques. The Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course brings the classroom back down to the ground, where it should be. Embrace this course, and you will soon be a safe, competent, and confident pilot.

Learn more about the X-Plane Flight Training Course here.

Additional Information

Format DVD, Download

System Requirements

  • Requires X-Plane 11 or 12 software by Laminar Research
  • 64-bit Windows Operating System
  • DVD-ROM drive or Internet connection for download

Make sure your computer meets the minimum specifications for X-Plane 11 or X-Plane 12.

Check system requirements here.